How does the registration work?
During the registration rounds (dates below) we collect applications. After the registration is closed, we review them with the role balance in mind. Then we send emails to all those who have registered. Approved participants receive a link to the shop where they can pick the packages and tickets they’d like, and complete the payment.
First round
Tickets are available only in packages.
Registration open: 15–31.01
Mail with acceptance: 7.02
Payment deadline: 21.02
Second round
Only tickets to individual milongas are available. Some tickets might have already been sold out in the previous round.
Registration open: 21.02–14.03
Mail with acceptance: 17.03
Payment deadline: 24.03
Last chance
Only tickets to individual milongas are available. Some tickets might have already been sold out in the previous rounds.
Registration open: 2.04–9.04
Mail with acceptance: 10.04
Payment deadline: 17.04

Why do we have registration in rounds?
- We believe that a festival can have the quality of a marathon – guarantee comfortable space for dancing, role balance, high level of dancers and variety of nationalities on the dancefloor.
- The dates of email confirmation of the participation in the festival known in advance facilitate the travel planning, purchase of airplane tickets, and booking of accommodation.
- Experienced dancers who cannot register for the festival in the first round, will have another chance during the second round.
- The rounds enable us to determine the period during which the participants can change their decision as to the purchased workshops and milongas.
What kind of dancers are welcome to Krakus Aires?
- The same number of leaders and followers – we keep the role balance.
- Experienced dancers who feel easy on a crowded dancefloor and take care of the ronda.
- Nice people who like to make new acquaintances because they know that the power of tango consists not only in the dancing, but also in the great fun in the bar and foyer.
- Representatives of various nationalities, which is why you will meet not only your friends but also new people.
Since the festival is very popular and the number of dancers keen to participate is several times higher than the number of available tickets, we wish to select the most interesting dancers from around the world. The process of registration is the least pleasant part of the festival for us because it is very difficult to say ”no” to people whom we often know personally and like in private. Hence, we ask you for understanding and trust that we are only guided by the high quality of the festival and the comfort of people on the dancefloor.

Cancellations and refunds
(Excerpt from the regulations)
- If no payment is made within the above specified period of time, the ticket reservations and/or tickets for the workshop will be canceled.
- When resigning from the festival, you may give all your milongas and workshops to another person of the same gender/role using the Change and Resignation Form to inform the Organizer, but only until the end of a given registration round. After the round is closed, the transfer of tickets to another person should be reported via email sent to The Organisers do not deal with the distribution of the package to different people.
- The organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event. In case of postponement of the event, the participant’s pass is postponed to a new date. In case of cancellation of the event, the organizer returns the cost of the participant’s pass. The organizer is not responsible for the return of any funds associated with the trip to the event (tickets, accommodation, etc.).